The study group actually (1.1.2024) consists from some 30 active collectors from eight different countries.
On Saturday, May 2nd, 1970, during the exhibition “SABRIA 70” the members of the study group met for their first time to a meeting (“Symposium”) in Saarbrücken. Then the study group consisted from 25 members, of which nearly 50% appeared at the meeting. Since then the study group met regularly to render homage to Romanian philately. In general the meetings (“Symposium”) were fixed at an occasion with a stamp exhibition nearby. In section 3 of the homepage (for members only) we will give details of former meetings (work in progress).
The meeting 2019 commemorating our 50th anniversary was a special event: We met in Bucharest and we had been invited to held our symposium in the Museum of Romania Records. At the same time there was the EFIRO 2019.
On this picture we see active members of the study group (1,2,4,6,7,8 and 12), the other persons were companion.
(1 = Vergossen, 2 = Scherrer, 4 = Wagner, 6 = Glättli, 7 = Gmach, 8 = Dörschner, 12 = Heimbüchler)
Last and next meeting / events (subject to change)
In 2024, we studied a new exhibit 41.3:
Version 18 – hgl 2024-10-28